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Kath smiled and stood up. “OK, I’ll be right back.” She left her chair and headed towards the door. As she reached it, she stopped and looked back into the room as she heard the loud screeching of tires outside the windows, along with voices loudly shouting things she couldn’t quite make out, all of this evidently coming from the entrance four floors below. She saw the three men at the table turn in their chairs and glance at the windows, just as she heard a loud explosion. 

She remembered the windows shattering but was somehow able to avoid most of the flying glass shards by turning quickly and slightly ducking behind the door. And she remembered watching in horror as the whole front of the building fell away. She also remembered feeling the floor beneath her collapse. She saw the three men grabbing for the table as it began to drop, only to be quickly lost from her sight as the floor above crashed down on them. She grabbed the door latch, catching it with one hand as the door itself swung slightly into the room, leaving her momentarily hanging in space. But as the door swung back, she reflexively was able to jump into the hall.  As she did, a large piece of the ceiling came down striking her on the head, and in her ensuing daze she had the sensation of falling yet again. She remembered being briefly scared, wondering if this was the end, and praying it wasn’t. She remembered thinking she didn’t want to die under a pile of concrete rubble, but that was the last thing she remembered.

Another Excerpt from the Book:

Chief Jarvis expertly moved the Black Hawk forward, its wheels skimming just above the tops of the trees. He brought it to a hover almost directly over the plow truck as Captain Burke and Carter slid the side doors open, braced themselves against the airframe, leaned out and unloaded a full magazine at the attack force on the ground. 

“Good shooting, sirs!” Warrant Officer Carpenter yelled through the intercom, as he watched several of those on the ground fall, while the others scurried back into the woods. Most importantly, the driver of the plow truck jumped from the cab abandoning the vehicle. Burke aimed a three-round burst and dropped the driver as he ran for cover.

“Let’s go!” Jarvis yelled, as he nosed the aircraft forward. “We can’t sit here any longer. They’ll start shooting back after they get over the surprise.” Just as he was shouting his caution several bullets pinged off the side of the UH-60 as Burke and Carter slid the passenger doors back in place. The doors didn’t offer much protection, being essentially thin aluminum, but something was better than nothing. The Black Hawk flew quickly to the opposite side of the M&A building where it was relatively safe. Jarvis then rotated the big green bird around and sat it down gently on the Area 1 helipad. 

“Let’s go!” Captain Burke shouted as he slid the right-side door open and jumped to the ground. Carter quickly was right behind with his M-16, closely followed by Katherine and Dimitry. A few moments later, Carpenter exited the co-pilot seat and joined them. Their little ad hoc fire team ran quickly toward the M&A building, hoping that those they could see manning its rear door knew whose side they were on. They did.


Empty Quiver by Tom Davis